WHOIS and DNS lookup for .GOV.UK domain names


You can query the whois for any .gov.uk domain name, find out information such as:

  • is the domain available to register
  • verify the expiry date
  • check the current domain owner
  • check contacts are correct
  • check the nameservers

If you need to check the whois of a gov.uk domain you can use the WHOIS unix command but it is far easier to use our page: WHOIS lookup for gov.uk domains


Checking the live DNS for a domain can be very useful, it can help you diagnose possible issues; it also allows you to view and backup the DNS.

Using our DNS control panel, which is always included with all gov.uk domains we manage, register or reregister, it is easy to add/remove/edit all records attached to the DNS for the gov.uk domain name, including MX records.

If you need to check the DNS of a gov.uk domain you can use the host unix command but it is far easier to use our:
DNS lookup page for .gov.uk domains.

Why pay for your DNS Services when we can offer them for free when you register or renew your .GOV.UK domain with us. We provide a DNS control panel for you to manage all your DNS needs yourself FOR FREE. You can add, delete or amend any DNS record using our easy to use DNS control panel.

Contact us for more details.

gov.uk WHOIS and DNS lookup

gov.uk WHOIS and DNS

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